To open, and key on your keyboard. All files will open simultaneously. Work on data in excel select all with one click this is one of the easiest tricks to use excel . You may know how to select everything using the shortcut ctrl + a. But with just one click on the button in the upper left corner of the work area all the data is selected. Add more than one new row or column you may know how to add a new row or column, but it really wastes a lot of time if you need to insert more than one of them by repeating this action several times. The best way is to drag and select
multiple rows or columns, if you want to add multiple rows or columns above or to the left. Right-click the highlighted rows or columns and choose e commerce photo editing service insert from the dropdown menu. As many as you have selected will be inserted. The new rows will be inserted above the row or to the left of the column you first selected. Quickly remove blank cells some default data will be blank, for various reasons. It is common to need to remove them to maintain accuracy, especially when calculating the average value. The quick way is to filter out all blank cells and remove them with one click. Choose the column you want to filter, go to data->filter, after the down button is shown, undo (select all) and then choose the last option, (empty). All blank cells will be displayed immediately. Go back to home and click delete directly. You can also use the context menu. All empty rows will be removed.
Work with rows and columns in excel open multiple excel files at once instead of opening files one by one when you have multiple files to handle. There is a handy way to open them all with one click. Select the files you want to open, and then press the enter key on your keyboard. All files will open simultaneously. Quickly move and copy data in cells if you want to move a column of data in a spreadsheet, the fastest way is to select it and move the pointer to